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The Winchesters season 1 is currently streaming on The CW and HBO Max.


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This unnamed Shōjō was enslaved by Dale Lampert as part of his plan to get revenge against his business partners.


Dale Lampert sought revenge against his business partners Jim McAnn and Randy Baxter for selling their company MidWestern Brewery Company, makers of Thighslapper Premium Ale, to a large distributor against his wishes. This left him devastated. Dale somehow managed to enslave a Shōjō and planned to use it for his revenge. Having acquired a Shōjō trapped in a sake bottle inside a spell box inscribed with "what you took, will be taken from you" from his travels, he sends it to them, before leaving. He then kills himself.

The Shōjō attacks and kills first Trevor McAnn, his brother Ray, and then Lillian. These murders drew the attention of hunter Garth Fitzgerald IV. He later sought assistance from hunters Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester.

The brothers found the sake the Shōjō was trapped in. They learned from security footage of the night of Trevor's murder that it was released when he drank from the bottle. After finding the spell box that the sake was delivered in, a local Japanese man translates the writing on the box, and tells them it says it contained a Shōjō. Upon studying the lore, they find that the Shōjō can be killed by a blessed katana.

The Shōjō attacks Randy Baxter's son Lee at the brewery. It knocks out Garth and Sam as they try and protect Lee, but Dean, despite not being able to see it and with a little help from Sam and the ghost of Bobby Singer, dispatches it with the samurai sword.

Powers and Abilities

Being a Japanese ghost-like creature, this Shōjō possessed similar abilities as ghosts.

  • Invisibility - Shōjō are unseen unless the viewer is intoxicated. Their presence can however be captured on film, but they still can't be seen, unless the person is intoxicated. Also like many invisible creatures, they can't be heard, unless, following their weakness, the person is drunk.
  • Telekinesis - Shōjō are able to move objects without touching it. This Shōjō, in its hunt it used it to close the door to stop them escaping.
  • Super strength - This shōjō was able to lift, throw quite a distance and impale humans with ease.
  • Teleportation - This shōjō was able to move from place to place by thought.
  • Claws - This shōjō had razor sharp claws, which it used to kill.


  • Katana - This sword blessed by a Shinto Priest (although a Shinto blessing by a normal person will suffice) can kill a Shōjō. When stabbed with this blade, it kills the Shōjō and the creature becomes visible for a few moments before its death.
  • Magic - Using the correct spell, a shōjō can be enslaved to a person's will.
  • The Colt - Can kill almost anything.
  • Death's Scythe - Can kill anything.
  • The First Blade - When combined with the Mark of Cain, the First Blade can kill anything in existence.



  • Shōjō is a Japanese word that means 'young girl,' with the implication of virgin.